Holy Knights Templar Guild

Everyone has the right to 21 years free education without incurring debt to society of any kind. Education is the path to enlightenment most of societies problems are rooted in the lack of education.  Education should be free to all and should not be based on ability to pay or on merit. Everyone has the right to fulfil their own personal potential in whatever field they choose.
Everyone has the right to choose there own spiritual and religious path without persecution or discrimination from others.

All peoples have the right to choose their own sexuality among consenting adults.

The rights of the many outweigh the rights of the few, personal wealth should be kept in proportion to all other members of society. Everyone has the right to comparable levels of Food, Shelter, Wealth and quality of life.

Everyone has the right to work.

Everyone has the right to fair trial by their peers and equal representation in a court of law.

Everyone has the right to equal levels of rehabilitation regardless of crime or sentence unless that rehabilitation determined by a body of peers puts society at risk. Where it is determined that the level of risk is too high to society then supervised rehabilitation shall be implemented Everyone has the right to a minimum of annual appeal by a body of peers regardless of crime or sentence.

Everyone has the right to equal levels of medical care.

Everyone has the right to freedom of expression unless that expression puts others in danger of physical or mental harm.

Everyone has the right to own personal property and wealth at comparable levels to all other members of society and where it does not disadvantage society at large.

No one shall be subject to torture or cruel behaviour both physical and mental and as such will have the right to protection by society and its representatives from such crimes.

Everyone has the right to marry and have children, live as a family unit and be recognised as such.
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